Health and Productivity Management

Basic Approach

Person in charge of health and productivity management: President
Tetsuya Toyoshima

Based on our belief that “employees and their family members are our company’s most indispensable asset,” the ultimate goal of health and productivity management at Zeon is to create “stages” together with employees where they can demonstrate their individual strengths.
We will continue to promote health and productivity management initiatives with the aim of realizing freedom and well-being for all employees.

  • *Freedom: Having more choices in life
  • *Well-being: Having a fulfilling life with both good mental and physical health
Declaration for Health and Productivity Management (October 2021)

Our corporate philosophy is “Contributing to the preservation of the Earth and the prosperity of the human race”. This mission will be accomplished by each and every employee of Zeon Group fulfilling his or her potential and playing an active and vibrant role in the company and in society.
In order for us to continue contributing to a “Sustainable Earth" and “Safe and comfortable lives for people," we will create a work environment where employees can work cheerfully and vigorously and lead healthy lives, both physically and mentally, with their families and colleagues.

Code of Conduct for “Our Well-being”

1. Be responsible for and engage in working in a healthy, vigorous and fulfilling manner.
2. Utilize regular health checkups and occupational health services to maintain our healthy status.
3. Keep checking daily lifestyle such as good sleep and healthy diet. Be aware of changes in health condition early and take responsive self-care.
4. Be aware of and keep the safe and comfortable environment surrounding us.
5. Know what supportive resources are available when we need them.

Health and Productivity Management Objectives

We are promoting health and productivity management to realize our Vision for 2030, to be “a company that lives up to societal expectations and the aspirations of employees.” Based on our belief that “employees and their family members are our company’s most indispensable asset,” the ultimate goal of health and productivity management at Zeon is to create “stages” together with employees where they can demonstrate their individual strengths.
We will continue to promote health and productivity management initiatives with the aim of realizing freedom and well-being for all employees.

Group-wide strategy and targets for 2030
Freedom and well-being

Health and Productivity Management Promotion Framework

The President and CEO is positioned as the person in charge of health and productivity management.
The Health and Productivity Management Promotional Committee is chaired by the director in charge of human resources. The Committee both deliberates on measures and makes decisions on health and productivity management.
The Health and Productivity Management Conference, comprised of persons in charge from each worksite, works to promote health and productivity management initiatives among employees, including sharing independent initiatives from worksites and building a cooperative structure between the Head Office and worksites.

Health and Productivity Management Promotion Framework

Health and Productivity Management Strategy

Health and Productivity Management Initiative Policy

Zeon Corporation considers the following to be high-priority issues for improving employee freedom and well-being.

  • Reduced risk of employees developing lifestyle diseases
  • Reduction in presenteeism and absenteeism
  • Enhanced engagement metrics
  • Achievement of work-life balance

By addressing these issues, health and productivity initiatives are directed toward the goal of allowing each and every employee of Zeon Group to fulfill his or her potential and play an active and vibrant role in the company and in the society.

Health and productivity management targets and key issues/policies

Health and Productivity Management Priority Issues

We created the Zeon Healthy Behavior Indicator to set forth our health and productivity management goals. This original index consists of the three health indicators of a BMI within the standard range, engaging in routine exercise, and not smoking.
Key points of this index were making the self-assessment easy to complete and including healthy activities that anyone can do. We have set the target of increasing the percentage of employees that satisfy two or three of the three health indicators from 60% (2022) to 65% or more (2026).

Zeon Healthy Behavior Indicator
Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map

Specific Initiatives in Health and Productivity Management

Promoting health and productivity management

Health and productivity management activity categories

We have categorized our health and productivity management activities into four main areas. We are implementing health and productivity management by promoting health literacy, which is the foundation for mental and physical health, and enhancing our health and productivity organization and the work and life support systems.

List of Freedom and Well-Being initiatives and systems

Specific Initiatives to Realize Freedom and Well-Being

Physical and mental health initiatives

We provide Self-Care Training for all employees and distribute video content, and afterward confirm participants’ comprehension and satisfaction. The Line Care Training for managers employs exercises for more practical training while promoting communication with instructors. We plan to have all employees take this training.

Seminars on women’s health issues

Toward our goal of creating more inclusive and supportive workplaces for women and deepening understanding for women’s health, we conduct seminars focused on women’s health issues. With a practicing OB-GYN as the instructor, the seminars are a rare opportunity to get answers to questions that normally do not get asked.

Use of health support app

We introduced a health support app, with a lineup of 16 menus for health support to aid employees in maintaining healthy routines. We periodically hold events that utilize the app, which is helping employees to establish exercise routines.

Health checkups and follow-up care

For regular health checkups, industrial physicians and nurses provide follow-up consultations and health guidance for persons who require guidance.
We have also launched a system that allows employees to view their health checkup results online 24 hours a day, with the intent to provide a state of health awareness whenever it is convenient. Awareness of health is the first step to creating good health. We will cultivate awareness for health through the launch of this system.

Stress checks

We conduct annual stress checks every July. Feedback is provided to worksites and activities to improve workplace environments are conducted.

Launch of support for external counseling

We have launched support for external counseling with the aim of promoting better mental health and well-being. Professional counselors provide support for resolving work-related problems, health worries, and other issues.

Independent worksite initiatives

We implement measures to promote health tailored to the specific issues and needs of respective worksites, including walking events, physical fitness measurements, and the adoption of menus with healthy food options at cafeterias, as well as the holding of seminars to improve health literacy.

Office overhaul

Prompted by the increased permeation of teleworking, we reviewed the role of the office, defining it as “a confluence point for communication to collaborate and cocreate as well as for education.” By employing a unilateral open-plan layout encompassing all organizational units and departments, as well as by introducing state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure to facilitate flexible workstyles, Head Office has transformed itself into a stage on which all employees can be active.

Deregulation of dress codes

At Head Office, we have deregulated dress codes with the aim of creating a workplace environment where each and every employee can freely express their own ideas and conduct themselves with autonomy.

Eliminate postings of employees at locations remote from their families

Head Office is working to eliminate postings of employees at locations remote from their families through the deployment of teleworking.

Launch of side work system

A side work system was launched in April 2023. This system is being used to support employees to realize their career aspirations, by allowing them to build their careers by gaining skills and experience through side work and pursue self-realization by taking on challenges they seek out themselves.

Initiative to promote taking of annual paid leave

As a measure to promote freedom and well-being, we are working to raise the rate of employees taking annual paid leave to 70% by FY 2026. As part of this, we are making it easier to take leave, such as by setting up days and periods of time where taking annual paid leave is encouraged and creating programs to enable taking leave in single-hour and half-day increments.

Initiative to expand application of the teleworking system

To realize work styles not tied to a particular place, we are conducting a trial expansion of the teleworking system at some worksites to allow employees to work at places apart from the standard telework locations (employees’ homes and shared offices). While the majority of participants in the trial have given positive feedback, including the ability to have flexibility in how they work and more fulfillment in private life, employees providing nursing care support have also requested an increase in the maximum number of days they can use the program. In response to this feedback, in FY 2023 we increased the number of days the program can be used, from 20 work days to 40 work days. Aiming to create a teleworking system that supports employees in balancing their work and private life, we will continue to conduct measures while listening to employee feedback.

Adoption of a new health and welfare service: Zeon Cafeteria Plan

We have introduced the Zeon Cafeteria Plan, a system which allows employees to make their own choices from a menu of options to support the “peace of mind” and “career development,” as well as options to help them “connect/ co-create.” It can be used for various purposes, including health promotion, encompassing comprehensive physical examinations and fitness clubs; support for childcare and nursing care, including babysitting and daycare services; self-development activities, for example correspondence courses and language study; and to avail of facilities for overnight stays.
We expanded the menu of options in FY 2023, adding travel expenses for employees on assignment without their family to return to their family home as well as travel expenses for those using nursing care to return to their family home to the expenses that are eligible for reimbursement.

GLTD Program (Zeon Corporation Long-Term Rehabilitation Support Program)

We established this program with the aim of supporting creation of conditions that allow employees and their families to live with peace of mind. In the event of an illness or injury that prevents someone from working for a long period, this program compensates the employee at the company’s expense for a portion of the employee’s income for as long as up to their 65th birthday. Employees can also enroll in an optional plan for themselves that increases this compensation.

Establishment of Childcare Leave Consultation Service

We have established the Childcare Leave Consultation Service as part of our efforts to improve understanding of the systems for childcare leave and to create an environment conducive to availing of this leave, while supporting the taking of childcare leave as well as offering support to those returning to work.

Expansion of nursing care support

With the aim of helping employees to balance the obligations of their job and nursing care, we have established an external nursing care consultation service. Employees can consult nursing care specialists about issues or concerns they have by email or over the phone, with the service acting as a safety net for nursing care consultations. In addition, we are planning trainings and the publication of a nursing care support handbook to give employees basic information on nursing care.

Expansion of support leave

Toward the consolidation of an environment in which they can work in peace of mind, we have made it possible for employees to avail of paid support leave in the event that they are unable to work due to personal injury or illness, or other unforeseen situations such as closure of schools of their children after they have taken all of their allocated annual paid leave for the year.


Results of Initiatives