

Message from the President

Tetsuya Toyoshima
President and CEO

At the Zeon Group, our mission has been embodied in our corporate philosophy of “contributing to the preservation of the Earth and the prosperity of the human race.” We conduct our business aspiring to realize a “Sustainable Earth” and a “Safe and Comfortable Life” by providing products and services created using our original technology. Our corporate philosophy also ties into our company name, derived from the Greek words “geo” (Earth) and “eon” (eternity), encompassing the very concept of sustainability.
Achieving sustainability is therefore synonymous with putting this corporate philosophy into practice. However, against the backdrop of various increasingly grave challenges such as the pressing need to combat climate change and growing instability in world affairs, concerns over our collective ability to achieve sustainability in society are rising. We at the Zeon Group need to reaffirm our principles and put our mission into practice with even greater conviction and commitment.
In STAGE30, the Zeon Group’s Medium-Term Business Plan with a target year of FY 2030, we set our Vision for 2030 as to be “A company that lives up to societal expectations and the aspirations of employees” and established our group-wide strategy accordingly. We aim to realize our vision through our initiatives to contribute to the SDGs, in other words, through realizing sustainability management.
Innovation is key to our Group fulfilling the expectations of society. We believe that the innovative materials and services created by the power of chemistry have the ability to resolve social challenges and fundamentally change the future of the planet and the human race. It is most definitely people that will create this innovation. As long as you have ideas and are willing to act on them, anyone can make innovation happen. Innovation is not sparked by only select geniuses. Our human resource strategy is about creating systems and a company culture to spark innovation and developing people who will spark innovation. Put another way, our human resource strategy is to have all employees create “stages” that allow every employee to demonstrate their talents. By giving employees stages for their motivation, we will generate innovation that lives up to societal expectations and contribute to sustainability in society.

Message from the Corporate Sustainability Division Manager

Erisa Watanabe
Director & Corporate Officer
Corporate Sustainability Division Manager

“Based on our corporate philosophy of ‘contributing to the preservation of the Earth and the prosperity of the human race,’ sustainability at Zeon means achieving sustainable growth together with society. To achieve this, we will provide products and services that are valuable for solving global and social issues, build trust with our stakeholders through fairness and integrity and have each one of us act proactively thinking how to create a better future for the society and ourselves.”
This is how the Zeon Group defined sustainability in its Sustainability Policy established in July 2022. It is both the Zeon Group’s basic approach to advancing its business, and at the same time a promise to our stakeholders of the attitude we most value in our relationships with them.
We have set the goal of contributing to the SDGs in our Medium-Term Business Plan: STAGE30 and aim to deliver both solutions to social issues and sustained growth for the Zeon Group through our business activities. We are implementing a variety of initiatives to improve sustainability, including providing original technologies, products, and services to help solve social issues, achieving our 2050 target of carbon neutrality, increasing employee engagement, and conducting human rights due diligence and sustainable procurement. We established the Sustainability Conference and the Sustainability Committee in December 2022, thereby building a framework to respond cross-functionally and dynamically to sustainability-related issues.
To achieve sustainable growth for our Group and society, we are defining the materiality (priority issues) that underpins our sustainability management. Going forward, we will organically link the initiatives and indicators in STAGE30 based on this materiality and aim to make it a driver for achieving our Vision for 2030 of being “A company that lives up to societal expectations and the aspirations of employees” as well as further sustainability.
We will continue aiming for sustained growth in our Group and society. Employees will conduct activities with a focus on sustainability, and through dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders, we will work to realize a brighter future for all.