Compliance Initiatives
Based on the Sustainability Policy, Zeon Corporation strives to prevent corruption through implementation of the Sustainability and CSR Basic Policy as well as the CSR Code of Conduct, Policy on Prevention of Bribery, Guidelines for the Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and Others, and the Anti-trust Law Compliance Guidelines among others. The various rules under the Sustainability and CSR Basic Policy are regularly revised every three years, based on group-wide rule management regulations.
The CSR Conference, whose chair is the Representative Director, is the highest decision-making body for CSR-related issues. At its meetings, held twice a year in principle, activities and measures overseen by seven standing committees established under the CSR Conference, including the Compliance Committee and the Risk Management Committee, are deliberated and decided. The CSR Conference receives progress reports from the committees and issues directives as necessary.
The CSR Code of Conduct applies to the entire Zeon Group both in Japan and globally and shares Zeon’s compliance approach and initiatives.
To help ensure that compliance activities are conducted, the “Compliance Text Q&A” has been compiled and released on the intranet system. This information is organized and shared so that employees can confirm how to respond to specific incidents.
To increase compliance understanding and incorporation of this understanding into business processes, employees in senior management roles and above are requested to submit a CSR pledge every year.
Meanwhile, persons who engage in fraudulent acts are subject to discipline based on various Zeon rules including the Employment Rules.
Compliance System
The Compliance Committee advances Zeon’s compliance efforts. The Compliance Committee has three subcommittees, namely the Anti-trust Law Regulatory Subcommittee, the Export Security Control Subcommittee, and the Corporate Governance Subcommittee.
Internal Reporting System
We established the Internal Reporting System to rapidly collect information on potential risks and facilitate their resolution. (For more information about the Internal Reporting System, see Risk Management.)
Internal Audits
Internal audits are performed for the purpose of preventing improprieties and errors in business operations.
The Department of Internal Auditing inspects and assesses whether business operations in all departments are being carried out appropriately and effectively in accordance with laws and internal regulations, and orders improvements when there are incidents of violations or non-compliance. In addition, the Department of Internal Auditing carries out periodic follow-up audits on the progress of measures taken by departments.
Information Security Audits
Information security audits are internal audits on the handling of information assets. They are conducted for all divisions and departments at Zeon using a self-inspection format.