Resources and Pollution Prevention
Promoting a Circular Economy
Recycling Cyclo Olefin Polymers (COP)
We implement measures that promote a circular economy, a key social issue today. In January 2022 we developed technology for recycling Cyclo Olefin Polymers (COP). Waste resin can now be recycled to create a product with quality similar to virgin resin while maintaining high transparency and purity, which had previously been difficult to achieve. In October 2022, work began on the construction of a recycling facility within the Takaoka Plant which will have an annual production capacity of 6,000 tons. The facility is expected to become operational in 2024. We plan to reuse the recycled resin from the plant to manufacture optical film, a plan that will help us to meet the strong demand for optical film we expect in the future while reducing CO2 emissions.

Initiatives to Reduce Industrial Waste from Plastic Products
Article three in our Responsible Care Policy is “Minimize the discharge of toxic chemicals and waste.” Under the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics, which came into force in April 2022, Zeon is classified as a business that generates a large amount of industrial waste from plastic products (250 tons or more). We are working to reduce the amount of waste we generate and set up medium- to long term targets and plans to manage waste.
Initiatives on Water Resources
Water is indispensable to our manufacturing activities. If water resources were to become depleted or water quality deteriorate, these things would pose a serious risk to both our company and local communities. Out of this understanding, we began initiatives in FY2022 to fully assess water risk. We will proceed going forward with the steps outlined below.
1. Identification of our risks and opportunities concerning water risk
2. Establishment of Group-wide policies, targets, and indicators for water risk
3. Promotion of PDCA for targets and indicators
4. Disclosure of our initiatives to stakeholders

Emission Reductions of Hazardous
We are installing collection facilities, implementing measures including improving facilities to prevent evaporation from openings in manufacturing facilities, and systematically reducing emissions of butadiene and acrylonitrile, which are among the substances requiring priority action under the Japan’s Air Pollution Control Act.
We are working to reduce emissions of air pollutants through the adoption of heavy oil with low sulfur (S) content and conversion to liquid natural gas (LNG).
The quality of our plant wastewater complies with the standards of the Water Pollution Prevention Act and agreements with local authorities (voluntary management standards).
Waste Reductions
In terms of reducing the amount of industrial waste destined for final landfill disposal, our worksites are maintaining a record of zero emissions (less than 0.1% of the industrial waste generated in FY 2007) since achieving this target in FY 2011.
Zeon Group companies had a final landfill volume of more than 600 tons in FY 2007, but since FY 2012 this has been reduced to around 10 tons, or roughly 0.4% of the industrial waste generated in FY 2007. This is considered zero emissions. We aim to maintain a final landfill volume of 5 tons or less, the same as at our worksites.
Chemical Product Safety Information
We produce Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all Zeon products. SDS provide information including GHS*1 classification results, product hazards, and cautions for handling, etc.
For some of our products, we disclose safety-related information in the form of safety abstracts, which are made available on the GPS/JIPS*2 platform.
- *1GHS
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals - *2GPS/JIPS
Global Product Strategy / Japan Initiative of Product Stewardship. GPS is a new voluntary initiative related to the management of chemicals, promoted by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). In Japan, the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) promotes GPS under the JIPS and encourages member companies to participate.
Chemical substance hazard reviews
Zeon provides financial support for research activities by the LRI*1 involving chemical substance hazard reviews, safety evaluations, and environmental impact surveys. Zeon also participates in the Technology Subcommittee and the Environment Subcommittee of the Asia Pacific Section of the IISRP*2 (regular meetings four times a year, international meetings twice a year, 1 member on each subcommittee, total of 2 members). In international meetings, Zeon proactively participates in activities to improve the overall level of technology in the global rubber industry and to promote sustainability.
- *1LRI
Long-range Research Initiative: Activities to provide long-term support for research on the impact of chemical substances on health and the environment. A program under the auspices of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) that is carried out with funding from LRI member companies and in cooperation with the chemical industries of Japan, the United States and Europe (specifically, the Japan Chemical Industry Association, American Chemistry Council and European Chemical Industry Council). - *2IISRP
International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers