
ESG Data

Zeon Corporation only

*The Himi Futagami Plant and the Tsuruga Plant were added in FY 2021.
  FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Toxic substances Butadiene consumption (tons) 289,912 284,390 266,518 246,958 229,642
Butadiene emissions (tons) 3.4 3.0 2.7 2.8 2.6
Acrylonitrile consumption (tons) 29,205 28,775 24,319 27,629 21,219
Acrylonitrile emissions (tons) 4.0 3.0 3.1 3.3 2.9
Substances subject to the PRTR Act Consumption (tons) 878,072 827,134 817,455 782,415 790,981
Emissions (tons) 23.7 23.3 23.4 23.4 18.5
Industrial waste Amount generated before compacting (tons) 143,129 130,153 140,226 140,146 131,606
Amount generated after compacting (tons) 15,932 15,115 16,362 18,849 16,515
Amount sent to landfills (tons) 0.0 3.2 0.1 3.8 1.7
Industrial waste from plastic products (tons) - - - 1,614 1,488
Atmospheric emissions CO2 emissions (tons)
Standards on the promotion of energy-saving/global warming countermeasures
545,024 499,222 453,980 526,727 462,156
CO2 emissions (tons) Scope1 724,122 682,175 715,338 690,544 701,923
CO2 emissions (tons) Scope2 50,954 95,366 98,871 88,448 32,791
CO2 emissions (tons) Scope1+2 775,076 777,540 814,209 778,992 734,714
SOx emissions (tons) 689 774 579 797 514
NOx emissions (tons) 298 270 258 281 225
Soot emissions (tons) 4 7 4 7 4
Fluorocarbon leaks (tons-CO2) 73 107 304 446 311
Water resources Total water resource consumption (1,000 m3 18,098 17,741 17,905 17,811 17,961
Water used from water systems (1,000 m3) 237 251 259 412 438
Groundwater used (1,000 m3) 0 0 0 0 0
Industrial water used (1,000 m3) 17,861 17,490 17,646 17,399 17,523
Wastewater Total wastewater discharge (1,000 m3) 15,399 15,107 15,433 15,258 15,917
COD emissions (tons) 124 141 121 141 110
Total phosphorus discharge (tons) 2 2 2 2 2
Total nitrogen discharge (tons) 160 157 133 131 120
Energy Total consumption (crude oil equivalent, kL) 211,128 226,122 215,980 244,612 249,016
Per-unit energy consumption (kL/t-PDR) 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.14
Production equivalent (tons) 1,723,677 1,602,286 1,655,367 1,876,274 1,767,586

Zeon Group companies in Japan

(“0” indicates less than 0.5, and “0.0” indicates less than 0.05)
*Optes Inc. was merged into Zeon Corporation in FY 2021.
  FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Substances subject
to the PRTR Act
No. of substances (total) 3.5 3.6 4.2 2.2 2.8
Industrial waste Amount generated before compacting (tons) 2,746 2,323 2,247 859 957
Amount sent to landfills (tons) 1.3 2.8 14.3 7.6 2.1
Industrial waste from plastic products (tons) - - - 142 150
Atmospheric emissions CO2 emissions (tons)
Standards on the promotion of energy-saving/global warming countermeasures
52,343 50,318 53,681 8,370 7,109
CO2 emissions (tons) Scope1 - - - 2,147 3,821
CO2 emissions (tons) Scope2 - - - 6,179 6,904
CO2 emissions (tons) Scope1+2 - - - 8,326 10,725
Water resources Water resources (1,000 m3) 328 327 334 215 135
Energy Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent, kL) 22,949 23,884 26,074 4,162 3,920
Electricity consumption (1,000 kWh) 82,861 86,744 95,648 11,479 10,929

Status of Certifications for International Environmental Standards

Organization scope (manufacturing divisions, manufacturing companies) ISO14001
Takaoka Plant
Kawasaki Plant
Tokuyama Plant
Mizushima Plant
Himi Futagami Plant
Tsuruga Plant
Zeon Kasei Co., Ltd. (Head Office divisions including research laboratories)
Zeon Polymix Inc.
RIMTEC Corporation
Zeon Opto Bio Lab Co., Ltd.
Tokyo Zairyo Co., Ltd.
Zeon Chemicals Yonezawa Co., Ltd.
Zeon North Co., Ltd.
Zeon Advanced Polymix Co., Ltd.
Zeon Chemicals (Thailand) Co., Ltd
Zeon Chemicals L.P.
Zeon Chemicals Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Zeon Polymix (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
Zeon Kasei (Changshu) Co., Ltd.

Status of Certifications for International Quality Standards

Site ISO9001:2015*1 ISO13485:2016*2 IATF16949:2016*3 FSSC22000v5*4
Zeon Corporation     *6
Zeon Kasei Co., Ltd. *5      
Zeon Polymix Inc.      
Zeon Opto Bio Lab Co., Ltd.    
Tokyo Zairyo Co., Ltd.      
Tohpe Corporation      
Zeon Medical Inc.      
Zeon North Co., Ltd.      
Zeon Chemicals Yonezawa Co., Ltd.    
Outside Japan
Zeon Chemicals L.P.      
Zeon Chemicals (Thailand) Co., Ltd.      
Zeon Advanced Polymix Co., Ltd.      
Zeon Chemicals Singapore Pte. Ltd.      
Zeon Europe GmbH      
Zeon Chemicals Asia Co., Ltd.      
Zeon Kasei (Changshu) Co., Ltd.      
Zeon Kasei Mexico S.A. de C.V.      
  1. *1ISO 9001 is the international standard for achieving ongoing improvements in enhancing customer satisfaction and quality management systems through product and services quality assurance.
  2. *2ISO 13485 is the global standard for quality management systems in the field of medical devices for the purpose of continued manufacture and provision of safe and useful medical devices. The standard has added requirements specific to medical devices while omitting some of the ISO 9001 requirements.
  3. *3IATF 16949 is a standard issued by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF) for the automobile industry sector, and which is intended as a supplement to the requirements of ISO 9001 for automobile manufacturers.
  4. *4FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification 22000) is a standard developed by the Foundation of Food Safety Certification to certify management systems for the production of safe food.
  5. *5The logistical materials division has acquired certification limited to STEC®.
  6. *6Mizushima Plant acquired FSSC 22000 certification for the manufacture of food-grade synthetic aroma chemicals.


Rate of conducting plant safety evaluations (%) 100
No. of RC audits conducted (times/year) 1
No. of safety incidents 6
No. of lost worktime accidents 4
No. of serious accidents without lost work time 0
Lost work time accident rate 0.36
No. of accidents in logistics 0

Basic Information on Zeon Corporation Employees (non-consolidated; does not include non-permanent employees)

As of March 31, 2023 (excluding those who resigned as of the end of March)
  FY 2021 FY 2022 Notes (FY 2022)
  Men Women Total Men Women Total  
No. of employees 1,843 274 2,117 2,062 318 2,380  
Ratio of female employees (%) 12.9 13.4  
No. of new hires New graduates 78 20 98 86 21 107 Employees that joined the company in
April 2023
Mid-year 79 16 95 195 37 232 Employees that joined the company between April 2022 and March 2023
Ratio of mid-career hires (%) 59 70  
Average years of employment (yrs.) 16.2 13.1 15.8 13.6 9.5 13.1  
No. of non-Japanese employees 13 15 28 16 16 32  
Average age (years) 40.2 37.1 39.8 40.1 36.6 39.7  
Number of employees leaving jobs 23 10 33 39 8 47 Number of employees requesting voluntary retirement

Results of Initiatives

As of March 31, 2023
  FY 2021 FY 2022 Notes (FY 2022)
Female manager ratio (%) 5.2 5.7  
Paternity leave acquisition ratio (%) 14 51 April 2022 to March 2023
Gender disparity in wages (all workers) (%) - 74.2  
For full-time regular workers (%) - 78.2  
For part-time and contract workers (%) - 64.6  
Ratio of employees with disabilities (%) (Legally required ratio of 2.3%) 2.41 2.58 As of June 2023
Ratio of absences due to injury or illness (absenteeism) (%) 0.56 0.70 Ratio of total persons absent long term for more than 1 month and persons on leave in the total number of employees
Productivity loss ratio (presenteeism) (%) 40.6 40.3 Calculated the average loss ratio for all employees using the WHO-HPQ measure of absolute presenteeism
Ratio of those taking stress checks (%) 96 93  
Number of employees taking annual leave/acquisition ratio (%) 54 61 January 2022 to December 2022 (due to annual paid leave being granted as of January 1)
Ratio of employees undergoing routine medical checkups (%) 100 100  
Average designated overtime worked (hours) 24.2 21.4 April 2022 to March 2023
Overtime exceeding statutory monthly amount of 45 hours (total number: persons) 449 467 April 2022 to March 2023
Zeon Healthy Behavior Indicator (%) - 60 Results of regular health checkups conducted between January and June 2022
• Have a BMI within the standard range - 66 Same as above
• Engage in routine exercise - 26 Same as above
• Do not smoke - 76 Same as above
Usage ratio for health support app (%) 36 52  
Participation ratio for practical health routines events (Challenge 60) (%) 100 100  
Rate of providing specified health guidance (%) 44.3 23.4  
Ratio of participation by eligible for mental health seminars (Line Care Training) (%) 76 88  

Basic Information on Zeon Group Employees

As of March 31, 2023 (excluding those who resigned as of the end of March), scope is applicable consolidated Group companies in Japan
  FY 2021 FY 2022 Notes (FY 2022)
No. of employees 3,981 4,293  
No. of new graduate hires 123 129 Employees that joined the company in April 2023

Management Organization

*As of July 2023
No. of members of the Board of Directors 11
Of which, are outside directors 5
Of which, are women directors 3
No. of members of the Audit & Supervisory Board 5
Of which, are outside auditors 3

Risk Management

*FY 2022
No. of reports received via the Internal Reporting System 4

Internal Audits

No. of departments/companies audited 36
  • *Zeon Corporation: 16 departments, 10 Zeon Group companies inside Japan, 10 Zeon Group companies outside Japan


  FY 2021 FY 2022
E-learning Rate of participation in information security education (%) 92.3 96.4
Rate of participation in sustainability/CSR education (%) 96.7 97.3
Rate of participation in checks of compliance comprehension (%) 97.9 99.8
Internal lectures Lectures on laws and regulations*(number of sessions) 27 34
Total number of participants (number) More than 6,000 6,999
  • *Lectures on the Antimonopoly Act, trade secrets, personal information protection, contract precautions, and other legal and regulatory topics

For more detailed information, see the Corporate Governance Report