Disclosure Policy
Basic Approach to IR Activities
In our investor relations activities, we endeavor to provide all stakeholders with corporate information in a fair and timely manner so that they can gain a deeper understanding of our management policies and business activities. We comply with all laws and regulations related to disclosure and strive to disclose corporate information to shareholders, investors, securities analysts, and other stakeholders in a fair and timely manner.
Method of Information Disclosure
Zeon Corporation discloses information that falls under the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuer of Listed Securities through the timely information disclosure system (TDnet). Information disclosed via TDnet is also promptly posted on our website.
Silent Period
We apply a “silent period” from the day following the date of the settlement of accounts to the day of the announcement of financial results to prevent any leakage of information that may affect our stock price, such as financial results. We seek your understanding that during this period we refrain from answering questions or commenting on financial results. If, however, it becomes likely during the period that our earnings forecasts will be significantly different from those announced, we will promptly disclose such information via TDnet, our website, or other means.
Website Purpose and Disclaimer
The purpose of this website is to provide information that helps stakeholders understand our business operations, management policies, financial condition, and other aspects, and none of the content is intended to solicit investment. We expect users to take sole responsibility for any investment decisions.
The Company’s plans, forecasts, and other statements contained in this website are based on currently available information and subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ significantly due to various factors.